A couple of weeks ago Love Bunny was asked by a member of our ward, who is a 5th grade teacher, if he would come to her class on Veterans Day and talk about veterans. Being a retired Marine (and a bit of a ham!), he graciously accepted. He is a state representative of VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars). He thoroughly enjoyed it and yesterday her husband dropped by and gave me some things rubber banded together to give to hubs. I didn't look at them. Just looked like blue construction paper folded over and I'm not particularly nosy. When he arrived home he looked at them quizzically and started reading them. They were "thank you notes" from the kids. Some of them were a tad funny and thought I'd share some of them with you. No names, of course, there will be first initials with asterisks (*) but all the grammar, spelling and punctuation is theirs as I type it accurately and have proofed each one. It is NOT easy typing incorrectly, ya know, trust me! LOL My comments are in brackets: [ ]. So I thought that today we'd travel through the years with a look at this man!
This is before I met him. I think he had a few "adult" beverages prior to taking this at one of those booths in a mall. ;-) He was probably 18 when this was taken.

On maneuvers in 1960s on a ship. That's him looking front.

This was in the 60s at my parents house when our kids were small.

We were living in the desert of California in the 60s at this time. Do you believe the orange and avocado furniture, lamps and rug? I think this is why I now hate orange! But truly, that sofa and chair that matched got more compliments than anything we ever owned. It was stunning and had an almost "aztec" look to it. I think that was my Spanish Colonial period! LOL But this was military housing. Furniture was ours however.

Somewhere in the 70s. We were going to the Marine Corps Birthday Ball. Isn't it wonderful how far we've come with cameras since then?!

This is before I met him. I think he had a few "adult" beverages prior to taking this at one of those booths in a mall. ;-) He was probably 18 when this was taken.

On maneuvers in 1960s on a ship. That's him looking front.

This was in the 60s at my parents house when our kids were small.

We were living in the desert of California in the 60s at this time. Do you believe the orange and avocado furniture, lamps and rug? I think this is why I now hate orange! But truly, that sofa and chair that matched got more compliments than anything we ever owned. It was stunning and had an almost "aztec" look to it. I think that was my Spanish Colonial period! LOL But this was military housing. Furniture was ours however.

Somewhere in the 70s. We were going to the Marine Corps Birthday Ball. Isn't it wonderful how far we've come with cameras since then?!

We bought this house in the early 70s and lived there until we moved to Idaho in the 90s. Isn't he cute?!

This always reminded me of an ad in a magazine of the father of the house cutting the turkey on Thanksgiving day. It just looks so "posed", but it wasn't. The decorating was atrocious at that time. I'm truly embarrassed to even show these pictures but it just shows you that anyone can "reform"!! LOL UGLY!!!!!!! Uuuuhhh, not Love Bunny, the decor....

The kids and I caught him in this pose and couldn't resist the picture. I'm sure everyone has one of these embarrassing photos of hubby or wife that they never want shown. Hubs will NOT see this blog post!!! He's still the sexiest man I know in jeans!!

This is him in the mid 80s on his passport photo. You can only imagine the airline ticket agent the next time when he had a new passport with a "yuppie" hair style. The ticket agent even remarked about him "going yuppie", but we had to try this afro since we lived in the S.F. area at the time. *Sigh*...............

He's "matured"! See how the years can make a difference. And still sexy, too!!! LOL

Okay, now on with the thank you cards from the 5th graders.
1. Dear Mr. C, thank you for telling us about veterans. and about how they died for our freedom. I learned a lot! thanks a lot. your freind, a kid.
2. Dear C, Thank you for coming to class and thank you for being a veteran. P.S. your welcome. from r***
3. Mr. C, Your speech was wonderful. To me it was very interesting. Thank you for coming, and for doing that Veterans Day speech.
4. Thank you for being a good veterans. !
5. Thank you for serving our country. Also thank you for wasting your time to talk to the 5th graders. thank you Mr. C I**** [Hubs did not consider it a waste of his time.]
6. Thank you for cooming for veterans Day. I hope you come aging. from N***
7. Dear –>Mr C thanks for cuming in are class and teaching use about how much veterens du for us. and thanks for serving. from W**** [I think the teacher needs to spend more time with this young fellow and his english grammar skills!]
8. TO ALL VETRENS thanks for everthing you bone for are contry and sining that blank check From W**** [I have no clue what "blank check" W is talking about! Not sure Mr. C does either! LOL]
9. I Salute u! God Belss America Before I thought that veterans day was just a regular day, but untill I learnd that It is about all the veterans that fout and are now alive or dead & I did not realalize that I am where I am because of all the people that risked their Life for us. From K****
9. Thank you Mr. C for serving are country and letting us be free. from R**
10. Dear mr. c Thank you for comeing and talk to u its was cool when we were talk about –>the wars thank you from E*****
11. Dear Soldier or Veteran, Thank you for serving our contry and for volontering for war.
Okay, hubs explained that part about the "blank check." He told the students when you signed up for the military during the wars that you were signing a "blank check" giving your "ALL" including your life for the USA. At least that little child was listening to what he said!! LOL But the fronts of all the "thank you cards" had American flags drawn by the student except for a few. One had a puzzle or a maze with a message that said: clue: eyes. I'm not real sure about that but it was imaginative. ;-) And one had a soldier in his fatigues on the front. I love kids and the things they say!!