Have you ever thought of a black and white Christmas? Well, here's what it could look like if you DID. Exquisite. My friend and sister PRH chick, Stephanie, will squeal with delight on the bling in this photo. SteeeEEEppphhHHHHhh, are you listening?!?! Give mum smooches for me, honey...... She does love me the most, ya know! ;-) hahahah

Another stunning lamp for hanging on the wall.....*Sigh*.......Lamps are a weakness of mine also.........

Years ago I was at work in my job and walked around alllll day long with an ink smudge on my upper lip. Cannot for the life of me figure how that happened but finally at the end of the day a woman told me. I always wondered why she didn't tell me about it when she first noticed it and saved me the embarrassment of walking around like that. I think she was not a true friend. This kind of says it all for me. Telling me about it when it happened as opposed to telling me at the end of the day that it had been on there all day would have saved me much embarrassment, but actually, I think she was the one who should have been embarrassed!

This was also bright true red. I could find a place for this in my craft/sewing room or my office/painting room I think......

This ain't yer same ol' "Charlie Brown" Christmas tree, trust me! It just sparkled even though it's "minimalistic"!

Okay, you'll have to enlarge this photo to see the "sticker shock" on these gorgeous little ornies. Hah